Saturday, February 19, 2011

Left Arm Test Fit

Again, my worry is that it looks too bulky. I've erred on the bulky side to accommodate my seasonal fluctuation in weight!

Seamless Update #3

I finally got the seams bondo'd on the biceps and forearms. I've completed medium grit sanding on the biceps and should finish the forearms tomorrow. Hoping for time to prime and first coat both this week.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Helmet Recieved

I finally received my helmet yesterday! It's a great kit from SGB and looks fantastic. The attention to detail of the facial region is phenomenal. At first glance, I think this would look like an easy helmet to tackle, but the eyes and face really have some proportions, that if ignored, would not turn out well. Thanks SGB!

Bad news is that is has some bad cracks, some of which are all the way through. My plan at the moment is to seal the cracks with 1 part fiberglass resin and 1 part bondo.

This crack is all the way through the helmet and bothers me the most:
These aren't so bad and I plan on bondo'ing over them:

Seamless Update #2

Slowing but steady, I've been working on sizing, cutting and trimming the biceps and forearms. The biceps are spliced together and awaiting bondo. One forearm is spliced and just finishing up the rough cuts on the last halves.

Pictures of the forearm progress below.

The toughest part thus far has been sizing appropriately. Currently I am erring on the larger side as it's easier to go smaller versus adding size. The forearm is tight around the lower part of my arm, but the wrist is fairly loose. I'll be adding some padding to stabilize it a bit. I've test fitted one shoulder, bicep, elbow and forearm and it looks pretty good.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Here's a few photo's of the progress on my biceps. I've got them sized, trimmed, and attached - just waiting for cooperative weather to bondo.